Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mt. Ida College Summer Program

Each July, the National Center for Death Education (NCDE) hosts a summer institute on the campus of Mount Ida. This annual program is made up of a series of workshops focused on grief, loss and bereavement. Participants explore counseling and educational techniques that include building interpersonal skills and assessing individual needs. Through continued participation in NCDE programs, including the summer institute and completion of a scholarly project focused on one specific area, individuals can earn a Certificate in Thanatology.

2008 Summer Institute

July 21, 2008
An Attachment Theory Perspective on Adjustment to Bereavement

July 22, 2008
Children, Death and Grief

July 23, 2008
Late Adolescent and Young Adult Loss

July 24, 2008
NEHS: Transcendence in Theory and Practice**

July 25, 2008
NEHS: Advanced Diversity Skills for Practitioners**

**Thursday and Friday is a two day seminar on New Ethics of the Human Spirit. However, each day is a complete workshop and can be taken individually.


All workshops run 9:30 - 4:30
(Registration and continental breakfast begin at 8:30)
For more information, contact NCDE at ncde@mountida.edu

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